Friday, November 19, 2010


Was terribleeeee!  I went to a parent-teacher conference with my mom, which i didnt mind, i like being involved in that kinda thing.. anyway, i returned to campus at 12:45 and had work at 1pm so since the handicap space was the only one available, i took it...

i know, i know, first mistake.. 

i went inside, grabbed my clothes to change into, and my purse.  i went back to my car, put my stuff on the passenger side seat and then saw that i had left the food my mom had given me, so i grabbed my room key and went back inside to put it away in the fridge... well, you can imagine the surprise on  my face when i went back to my car and saw that i was looking at my own car keys on the passenger side seat, alongside my purse and clothes through the window of my locked car.  

thankfully i was on the phone with a friend this entire time so she gladly took me to work and offered to pick me up as well... by this time it was basically 1pm so not only was i late to work, i had to call public safety and inform them of my misdeed.  they scolded me for parking there but said that they had equipment to break into cars and would assist me upon my return. 

4 hours later, cellphone and room key being the only things i had with me, i called public safety and told them that i was back.  they arrived within 2 minutes and the first thing they asked was if i had a placard... of  course i didnt. lol they asked if i had gotten a ticket and i said, ohh yeah the officer who gave it to me was wayy ahead of you lol.  after about 30 minutes, they were finally able to recover my keys and the officers had said that i should appeal it online and that they would take care of it and dismiss it for me. so overall, it was a good ending to a baddd mistake. i know that i've learned my lesson, but i cant help but think how this would go if i were a boy!! :P

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

angela lately

Haha I've read Chelsea Handler's books, they're pretty funny, but for some reason I can't get into her's weird.
So right now, I'm chilling, like any college student, I am waiting for the much anticipated Thanksgiving break.  I need this!  But before that I have stuff to deal with, I'm on duty, have hw and papers to write, and have a semi formal to go to this weekend! That should be a lot of fun, I don't go out enough...

The last time I did was last weekend but that was only because it was Pt 1 of my friend's going away party.  We had a blast as you can seeee here:  

Lately, I've also been shopping too much... I just bought some Coach shoes

a D&G bracelet

a dress, two other bracelets, a leather jacket and some cute shirts. :)
In my defense, I'm still gonna get paid for working the election polls on Nov. 2, so this spending is justified :)
It doesn't help that I work at the mall, though!

Speaking of which, I now applied to work at VS! Hopefully I get the job, Hollister Co. is getting old after being there for almost 2 years!

aaaanyyyway, I have a test this week that I have to go study for...
like chris brown says... deuces! <3
Chris Brown-Deuces